Important: The eyelid needs to be dry and must be cleansed and free from any oils! Cleanse your eyelids with a gentle face tonic. The WONDERSTRIPES Tonic is perfect for the application! Dab dry with cotton buds or a towle.
With a pair of tweezers or your fingernail remove one WONDERSTRIPES carefully from the film. The easiest way is when you slowly slide the nail under a corner of the strip. Is this corner on the nail, the strip can easily be peeled off.
Tilt your head back and look straight into the mirror. In this position, your eyelid crease is best revealed. Depending on the shape of the eye and the texture of the skin apply the strip into the crease and press it gently down with two fingers.
As each eye is different, there are no exact rules where to place WONDERSTRIPES accurately and which size (S, M or L) suits the eye best. A general advice is:
Size S
for small round eyes with slightly drooping eyelid
Size M
for average sized, round & oval shaped eyes with defined hooded eyelid
Size L
best suited to large, oval shaped eyes with slight to defined hooded eyelid
We recommend that you test all three sizes during your first application before choosing the WONDERSTRIPES with the best effect.
Order now your month trial pack (32 patches small + 32 patches medium + 20 patches large) for only 25,00 € inkl. VAT + shipping!
WONDERSTRIPES month trial pack
At first you will need several patches to find the position that is right for you.
When you are satisfied with the positioning of your WONDERSTRIPES, you can apply your make-up as per usual. However, be aware to gently dab eyeshadow onto your lid. Do not rub eyeshadow onto the patch!
Very important: Please do not give up using WONDERSTRIPES if you encounter difficulties with your first application. WONDERSTRIPES can be used by women and men of all ages. Especially with tired, small eyes or drooping eyelids you can achieve great results within seconds!
Check out our Video Tutorials. They will help you with the correct application!